Posts Tagged :

WI Policy

More than $$$ savings: CUB issues first impact report
870 450 Tom Content

On behalf of the board of directors, staff, and our members I’m happy to share CUB’s first stakeholder engagement and impact report. It shows the different ways our actions benefit…

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Double-Digit Rate Hike Approved for We Energies Customers
870 450 Tom Content

Electricity costs for residential customers of We Energies will increase by 11% in January after the state Public Service Commission approved a rate increase that kept the utility’s profit rate…

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2021 Annual Report: Year of Transformation, Savings
427 450 Tom Content

2021 was a year of transformation for CUB and a year of racking up additional savings for you the customers of Wisconsin utilities. The Citizens Utility Board annual report for…

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September 21, 2017: Governor Walker signs Budget Supporting Utility Customer Advocacy
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   September 21, 2017 More Information:             Tom Content, 608-251-3322 x. 12, 414-550-4712 (cell) CUB: Governor Walker signs Budget Supporting Utility Customer Advocacy With the state biennial budget…

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January 11, 2016: CUB Opposes Repeal of Nuclear Ratepayer Protection Law
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   January 11, 2016 More Information:             Tom Content, 608-251-3322 x. 12, 414-550-4712 (cell) CUB: Citizens Utility Board Opposes Repeal of Wisconsin’s Nuclear Ratepayer Protection Law MADISON —…

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January 8, 2016: Statement of CUB Before the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   January 8, 2016 More Information:             Tom Content, 608-251-3322 x. 12, 414-550-4712 (cell) CUB: Citizens Utility Board Testimony before Senate Energy Committee on the repeal of Wisconsin’s…

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April 16, 2015: Wisconsin Should Continue to Fund Utility Consumer Advocate
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   April 16, 2015 CUB: Wisconsin Should Continue to Fund Utility Consumer Advocate Washington, D.C. — The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) today questioned the actions…

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