April 16, 2015: Wisconsin Should Continue to Fund Utility Consumer Advocate

  • April 16, 2015
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   April 16, 2015

CUB: Wisconsin Should Continue to Fund Utility Consumer Advocate

Washington, D.C. — The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) today questioned the actions of a Wisconsin state legislative committee in voting to defund the Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin saying the action was pennywise and pound foolish and out of step with the rest of the country.

“CUB has saved Wisconsin ratepayers almost $3 billion over their 35-year history, $161 million in 2014 alone,” said Charles Acquard, NASUCA Executive Director. “That’s a great return on the ratepayer investment of under $500,000 per year and a classic example of being penny wise and pound foolish.”

Acquard pointed out that forty states have consumer advocate offices.

“If this shortsighted action by the committee is allowed to stand, Wisconsin would be one of only a few states without a utility consumer advocate to look after the interests of ratepayers,” he said. “Without CUB, who will fight for Wisconsin ratepayers?”

For more information about NASUCA, click on www.nasuca.org.
