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Energy Prices are Rising: Tips & Tools to Help Residential Consumers Save Money. CUB’s Residential Webinar (Spanish)
870 450 Leah Steinberg

El webinar educativo residencial de Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin habló sobre todas las herramientas, recursos y programas que están disponibles para los consumidoresresidenciales (tanto propietarios como inquilinos) para abordar…

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Webinar Spotlights IRA Rebates, Tax Credits, Ways to Save (Spanish)
870 450 Leah Steinberg

Webinars destacan reembolsos de IRA, créditos fiscales, maneras por las que puedes ahorrar dinero. Propietarios y gerentes de empresas que quieren obtener información sobre nuevos créditos fiscales, reembolsos y cómo empezar a…

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Navigating Utility Rate Increases: What You Need to Know 
870 450 Leah Steinberg

Each year, utility companies propose rate hikes that can significantly impact Wisconsin households. These increases often cover infrastructure improvements, rising fuel costs, or investments in clean energy, but not all…

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Energy Prices are Rising: Tips & Tools to Help Residential Consumers Save Money. CUB’s Residential Webinar
870 450 Rich Storck

Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin residential educational webinar covered all the tools, resources and programs that are available for residential consumers (both homeowners and renters) to address the rising costs…

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Webinar Spotlights IRA Rebates, Tax Credits, Ways to Save
870 450 Rich Storck

Business owners and managers who want to learn about new tax credits, rebates and getting started on planning for future energy savings are invited to view CUB’s 2024 Small Business…

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CUB Annual Report for 2023 $175 Million Pared from Utility Requests
522 450 Rich Storck

The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin annual report for 2023 is out and can be viewed online here or by clicking on the photo below. 2023 was even busier than…

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What’s On Tap: Ways to Save, Learn, Speak Out
870 450 Tom Content

  It’s almost fall and a lot is happening in the coming months that could affect your energy prices in the years ahead. Today we want to highlight three key…

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Another costly winter ahead: Take steps now to save
870 450 Tom Content

Winter heating costs will be high this winter, if not quite as high as last winter. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association’s winter outlook shows that homes heating with natural…

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Annual Report: Savings and Advocacy Deliver for Customers
522 450 Tom Content

For CUB 2022 was a year of collaboration, much media attention, and additional savings for customers of Wisconsin utilities. The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin annual report for 2022 is…

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See energy tech experts’ insights on CUB small business webinar
870 450 Tom Content

Companies taking steps to control energy use or deploy new technologies are seeing how it empowers employees, helps with branding and makes their company more attractive for potential employees, speakers…

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