March 6, 2017: Citizens Utility Board Hires New Executive Director

  • March 6, 2017
Leah Steinberg

For Immediate Release:   March 6, 2017
More Information:             Tom Content, 608-251-3322 x. 12, 414-550-4712 (cell)

CUB: Citizens Utility Board Hires New Executive Director

MADISON — Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin (CUB) is pleased to announce that it has hired Tom Content as its new Executive Director, effective March 13, 2017. Mr. Content comes to CUB from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper, where he has worked since 2000 and covered energy and utility issues since 2003. He also reported on utility issues for the Green Bay Press-Gazette in the late 1990s.

“Tom’s deep and broad knowledge of the utility industry in Wisconsin, and his ability to communicate that knowledge clearly to diverse audiences, is reflected in the work he has done as a reporter,” said Russell Wallace, President of CUB’s Board of Directors. “CUB is Wisconsin’s only full-time, professional advocate for residential, farm, and small business utility ratepayers. We feel fortunate to have hired someone of Tom’s caliber to this important position, and we feel confident he is the right person to help us build CUB into an even more effective advocate for Wisconsin’s utility ratepayers.”

While Wisconsin is forecast to have more than adequate capacity and energy to meet demand over the next several years, it also currently has among the highest residential, commercial, and industrial electric power rates in the Midwest.

“Affordable utility rates are important to Wisconsin’s families and seniors and are a vital component to a strong economy and to job creation in our state. As a state we need to do more, and we can do better on that front,” Content said. “I look forward to working with the Commissioners and staff of the Public Service Commission, members of the Legislature, utilities, and other stakeholders. I’m especially eager to begin communicating with CUB’s members and other ratepayers throughout the state, as we work to achieve the lowest rates possible consistent with sound business principles.”
