Get ready to join people from across the state in pitching in to support The Big Share 2022 this Tuesday.
By participating, you can help CUB and other nonprofits working for fairness “Make Change Happen.” That’s the theme for The Big Share, a one-day outpouring of giving in which hundreds of thousands of dollars are raised each year to support 70 nonprofit organizations that are part of Community Shares of Wisconsin.
CUB’s goal for The Big Share is to raise $5,000 to support our outreach and education efforts and work on energy security, and our Board of Directors and several small business members and supporters of CUB will match contributions dollar for dollar to help us hit that goal.
CUB has been involved with Community Shares, a 51-year-old network of organizations standing up against injustice, for decades. Community Shares organizations advance human rights, fair housing, criminal justice reform, civic engagement, social and environmental justice, and a host of other causes.
For 42 years, CUB’s championed fairness for utility customers – homeowners, renters and small businesses across the state and given them a voice.
This year with your help we’re looking to build on our efforts to improve energy security, which is an ongoing challenge exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and by volatile and surging natural gas prices hitting customers’ heating bills. We helped utilities craft forgiveness programs that helped utility customers in dire straits move along the path toward paying their bills consistently.
Your donation will help CUB advance its work this year addressing energy security. Specifically, you’ll
- Help our experts craft policies to improve fairness in utility rates and that provide relief for Wisconsinites who are struggling to make ends meet.
- Help us produce educational materials in English and Spanish.
- Help us organize Utility Bill Clinics to help utility customers save on their energy bills.
Thanks for pitching in and supporting The Big Share 2022!