CUB Prints

(aka our blog)

Xcel rate increase pared back, PSC denies higher profits
870 450 Tom Content

MADISON — Customers of Xcel Energy will see a much smaller increase on electric bills come January after state regulators sided with CUB and voted to block the company’s request to hike its profits.The Public Service Commission could have gone further in reducing profits, which would have enabled customers to see a decrease on their…

PSC Trims MGE Rate Hike, Signals Concern on Customer Affordability
870 450 Tom Content

MADISON – Utility regulators voted Friday to reduce the size of Madison Gas & Electric’s rate increase for customers and take a small but important step to trim the utility’s high profits. CUB’s regulatory team put a spotlight on affordability, energy burden, and fairness in this case. Throughout the proceeding, CUB cited concerns about how…

Another costly winter ahead: Take steps now to save
870 450 Tom Content

Winter heating costs will be high this winter, if not quite as high as last winter. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association’s winter outlook shows that homes heating with natural gas could pay $726 just for heating over the six-month heating season, making it the second costliest winter in the past decade. A separate report…

Rate Cases: CUB Weighs in for Lower Monopoly Profits, More Consumer Protections
870 450 Tom Content

Profits for monopoly utilities in Wisconsin have been too high for too long, with customers paying the price. That was the core message in testimony the Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin (CUB) submitted to push back on utilities’ requests to raise rates yet again starting January 2024. Bringing down high profits is an important step…

Annual Report: Savings and Advocacy Deliver for Customers
522 450 Tom Content

For CUB 2022 was a year of collaboration, much media attention, and additional savings for customers of Wisconsin utilities. The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin annual report for 2022 is out and can be viewed online here or by clicking on the photo below.We made progress on reducing fixed charges on customers’ bills. The PSC…

Rate hike hearings under way, public comments sought
870 450 Tom Content

Now is the time to weigh in on the rate increases monopoly utility customers may face over the next two years.  Four major utilities serving Wisconsin customers seek increases on bills that, if approved, would take effect Jan. 1. A fifth, Wisconsin Public Service, while still proposing to increase base rates, anticipates that increase would…

Heat Warning: Tips for Saving energy while staying cool
870 450 Tom Content

With some of the hottest temperatures to hit Wisconsin in years gripping the state, CUB wants you to be safe, check on your neighbors and to use energy efficiently as you’re working to stay as cool as possible. Cities and counties around Wisconsin announced that cooling centers will be open Wednesday to accommodate people who…

PSC allows $117 million fuel surcharge
640 450 Tom Content

State regulators this week voted to allow Wisconsin Power & Light (WPL), to impose a $117 million surcharge linked to higher 2022 fuel costs, despite the fact that the utility failed to follow the terms of a contract for one of the fuels whose prices spiked. Customers of WPL, a subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corp.,…

More than $$$ savings: CUB issues first impact report
870 450 Tom Content

On behalf of the board of directors, staff, and our members I’m happy to share CUB’s first stakeholder engagement and impact report. It shows the different ways our actions benefit Wisconsin citizens and small businesses. Download the report here. Wisconsin’s utilities are powerful … flush with vast financial resources, well connected politically, and blessed with…

Rate cases generate buzz, pushback
870 450 Tom Content

Plans to hike energy charges by more than half a billion dollars are getting attention in what could be a sign of increased public involvement in decisions affecting your rates. I’m glad to let you know that reporters from outlets across Wisconsin are seeking CUB’s perspective on the wave of utility proposals filed recently with…

PSC seeks public input on low-income affordability programs
870 450 Tom Content

Listening sessions in Green Bay and Milwaukee next week will enable low-income utility customers and advocates to weigh in on innovative ideas to help those struggling to make ends meet. The Public Service Commission listening sessions will take place Monday, June 12 at the Brown County Central Library in Green Bay, and Wednesday, June 14…

CUB’s Board Meets Wednesday, May 24
870 450 Tom Content

CUB’s next quarterly Board of Directors meeting will take place at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 24. Hear updates from the Executive, Finance and Outreach and Engagement committees, and organizational and program updates from the Executive Director. The public meeting will be conducted virtually, via Microsoft Teams. Agenda: Call to Order Review of Minutes from March…