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We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Seek $800 Million Rate Increase for 2025-2026
870 450 Rich Storck

Madison, April 15, 2024 – WEC Energy Group utilities We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service Corp filed rate cases Friday April 12, 2024, with the Public Service Commission asking for…

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Press Release: Consumer Groups Urge ROFR Rejection
870 450 Tom Content

Madison, March 11, 2024 – The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin (CUB) and Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group, Inc. (WIEG) once again called on the Wisconsin State Senate to reject Assembly…

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Press Release: Reject Right of First Refusal Legislation
870 450 Rich Storck

The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin (CUB) and Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group, Inc. (WIEG) today called on the Senate to reject Assembly Bill 470, the “Right of First Refusal,” or…

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Keep Competitive Bidding for Power Line Projects
870 450 Tom Content

March 13 UPDATE: The state Senate adjourned Tuesday without voting on this bill, meaning it failed to pass. CUB thanks our members and supporters who called their legislators to voice…

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Xcel rate increase pared back, PSC denies higher profits
870 450 Tom Content

MADISON — Customers of Xcel Energy will see a much smaller increase on electric bills come January after state regulators sided with CUB and voted to block the company’s request…

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Rate Cases: CUB Weighs in for Lower Monopoly Profits, More Consumer Protections
870 450 Tom Content

Profits for monopoly utilities in Wisconsin have been too high for too long, with customers paying the price. That was the core message in testimony the Citizens Utility Board of…

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Rate hike hearings under way, public comments sought
870 450 Tom Content

Now is the time to weigh in on the rate increases monopoly utility customers may face over the next two years.  Four major utilities serving Wisconsin customers seek increases on…

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Xcel Energy Rate Hike for 2024
870 450 Tom Content

Xcel Energy Rate Case Highlights Update: In December 2023, the Public Service Commission scaled back the proposed electricity rate hike for Xcel Energy. See CUB Press Release here after the…

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Rate cases generate buzz, pushback
870 450 Tom Content

Plans to hike energy charges by more than half a billion dollars are getting attention in what could be a sign of increased public involvement in decisions affecting your rates.…

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person counting cash money
$500 Million More? Utilities Seek New Rate Hikes
870 450 Tom Content

Are these utility companies hurting?
In a word, no! The parent companies for the five Wisconsin utilities reported billions in profit last year. And the profits for just the monopoly utilities that they operate in Wisconsin totaled $1.3 billion in 2022.

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