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WPS Electric Rates to Come Down in 2024
870 450 Tom Content

MADISON – State regulators on Tuesday approved a reduction in 2024 electricity rates for customers of Wisconsin Public Service Corp. in northeastern and northern Wisconsin.The state Public Service Commission authorized…

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Rate hike hearings under way, public comments sought
870 450 Tom Content

Now is the time to weigh in on the rate increases monopoly utility customers may face over the next two years.  Four major utilities serving Wisconsin customers seek increases on…

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PSC allows $117 million fuel surcharge
640 450 Tom Content

State regulators this week voted to allow Wisconsin Power & Light (WPL), to impose a $117 million surcharge linked to higher 2022 fuel costs, despite the fact that the utility…

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WPS Rate Change for 2024
870 450 Tom Content

WPS RATE CASE HIGHLIGHTS UPDATE: In December 2023, the PSC approved a reduction in rates for WPS of $32.6 million, or 2.6%. See updated information below and CUB press release…

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Rate cases generate buzz, pushback
870 450 Tom Content

Plans to hike energy charges by more than half a billion dollars are getting attention in what could be a sign of increased public involvement in decisions affecting your rates.…

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PSC seeks public input on low-income affordability programs
870 450 Tom Content

Listening sessions in Green Bay and Milwaukee next week will enable low-income utility customers and advocates to weigh in on innovative ideas to help those struggling to make ends meet.…

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person counting cash money
$500 Million More? Utilities Seek New Rate Hikes
870 450 Tom Content

Are these utility companies hurting?
In a word, no! The parent companies for the five Wisconsin utilities reported billions in profit last year. And the profits for just the monopoly utilities that they operate in Wisconsin totaled $1.3 billion in 2022.

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WPS Profits Kept Too High as PSC Approves Electric Rate Hike
870 450 Tom Content

Electricity costs for customers of Wisconsin Public Service will increase in January after the state Public Service Commission approved a rate increase that kept the utility’s profit rate well above…

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Customers face double-digit hike, now it’s time to hear from you
870 450 Tom Content

Now is the opportunity for We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service customers to make their voice heard in rate cases that will set utility prices for 2023. Public hearings will…

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CUB Fights High Utility Profits, Secures Wins in Rate Settlement
870 450 Tom Content

The Citizens Utility Board and other groups have reached an agreement with two Wisconsin utilities on a partial rate case settlement that provides important wins for residential utility customers while…

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