CUB Events

Utility Bill Clinics delve into ways to save $$$
Tom Content

            Thanks to those who attended CUB’s presentations on how to save on energy bills and Utility Bill Clinics. We hosted these events throughout the month…

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Outpost Foods Utility Bill Workshop Series
870 450 Corey Singletary

CUB is pleased to announce a Utility Bill Workshop series presented in partnership with Small Business Member, Outpost Foods. Over the course of April, CUB members and the general public will have an opportunity to hear from CUB Executive Director, Tom Content about CUB’s work on behalf of residential and small business utility customers, get an update on events and cases that could affect your utility bill, and engage in a Q&A with CUB staff addressing your utility issues or concerns.

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February 28, 2019: CUB celebrates 40 years of advocacy
Tom Content

The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin will celebrate four decades of standing up to power on behalf of homeowners, renters and small businesses on April 7 in Milwaukee. Lakefront Brewery,…

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