Kate Hanson
Kate Hanson
Kate is a 2017 graduate from the University of Wisconsin Law School and a graduate student in Water Resources Management at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. She came to law school with a strong interest in energy and natural resources law, and she has interned with several public interest organizations, including Legal Action of Wisconsin, Midwest Environmental Advocates, and NRDC. An avid writer, she served as an articles editor for the Wisconsin International Law Journal, and her comment on the Great Lakes Compact was published in the journal’s spring 2017 issue. She is thrilled to be part of the CUB team, fighting for everyday rate payers.
Why are you excited to be a part of CUB?
I’m excited to use my legal expertise to advocate for consumers. My goal has always been to serve the public interest, and I’m very happy that I can do so at CUB while also working in a complex and engaging area of law.
From a big picture perspective, why is CUB important to the state of Wisconsin?
CUB is an essential voice in Public Service Commission proceedings. Utility regulation can be technical and complicated, and residential ratepayers don’t have the time or resources to argue for reasonable rates on their own behalf. CUB’s expertise and consumer advocate focus help ensure that the all ratepayers are represented before the Commission.